Interviews: David Lynch (via. Pitchfork)
Cine nu a vazut Eraserhead, primul lung metraj al lui David Lynch, e bine sa o faca. Atat ca acompaniament plin de umor negru pentru vremurile de pronuntat dishedonism pe care le traim, cat si pentru a asculta cu alta ureche modul in care era conceput DIY un soundtrack inovator si original, atat ca stil cat si ca metoda. Pentru cei care cauta o textura si o semnatura sonica diferita de cea a preseturilor si bancilor de sunete comerciale, interviul cu Lynch publicat de Pitchfork poate fi o sursa de trickuri, tipsuri si mai ales de inspiratie. Se vede bine ca Lynch a avut o relatie lunga cu muzica si sunetul, mult inainte de albumul Crazy Clown Town din 2011.
(...) For all its visual prowess and humor, the most powerful single aspect of Eraserhead may be its sound. Working with legendary sound designer Alan Splet, who would collaborate with Lynch until his death in 2004, the drones, creaks, hisses, and furnace blasts of the film's world are brought completely to life through sound alone. Eraserhead's soundtrack is being reissued on vinyl by Sacred Bones this week, and the label is screening a 35mm print of the film in San Francisco this Thursday, August 16, as well. (...)
Read the rest of the interview here.
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