Orlando Voorn Featuring Paco Di Bango-Work that Deadmouse by Orlando Voorn
"My understanding is that Deadmau5 fans are for the most part people who are inexperienced with electronic music, or adolescents getting their toes wet in electronic music. I have a few relatives who like his music, and the truth is I kinda like the fact that they like anything dance/electronic. I pat them on the back for that. Thats the principle, as long as they like something that is dance or electronic, i'm good with it...for starters.
Can we face it? We need our Tiesto's, David Guetta's, Cheesemau5's, to develop the future Larry Heard, Theo Parrish, Carl Craig, Flying Lotus, Burial, fans that they might evolve into. There is an evolution process with music, we all listened to the radio as kids growing up, listening to pop acts. Madonna, Mc Hammer, Vanilla Ice, whatever...limited in choice outside of what our parents might have played for us (i was lucky my parents played some nice shit), whatever was fed to us, we enjoyed it because it was the best thing we could find at the time, and no record stores just down the street. So whose to say today's Deadmau5 fan wont find someone who is a Larry Heard fan and get introduced to the world you might find acceptable when it comes to someones taste in music? I say let them enjoy their current electronic music experience, and know maybe they might evolve like you have.
My understanding is not many here under 30 grew up with any of the techno, house, disco luminaries as their FIRST (keyword) injection of what great music currently is o them. It was some cheesey pop act, or some pop act in general. Deadmau5 is a pop act, let him and the others who make that type of pop friendly electronic bring in the future fans of the music you enjoy. Stop fussing about it so much, and focus on what you like, its not your job to save them. Besides you're not as pretty as Audrey Hepburn...And there is a good chance they'll be shoulder to shoulder with you some day at a club sharing enjoyment of the music you might like. Let them evolve over time... just like YOU did. And with the accessibility via the internet, their taste will evolve faster than anyones. Tiesto And David Guetta fans today...Theo Parrish and Kerri Chandler fans tommorow...keep them coming. "
(Dialectica evolutiei fanilor muzicii electronice ii apartine lui dazedeten)
(repost de pe http://freshgoodminimal.ro/?p=3084#comment-27405)
RăspundețiȘtergeredraga domn boing bum-chak
cred c-am fost mai mult decat expliciti in ceea ce priveste textul. ce am zis, asta gandim. nu cred ca merge sa ne rezumam in nici un fel pozitia. va invitam sa decupati si sa faceti un colaj din toata polologhia de mai sus.
cat despre prezentarea EP-ului lui Ion pe blogul dumneavoastra… de ce? si de ce am posta pe un blog sa bagam venin. am venit, am bagat venin mai mult sau mai putin “in persoana”, in coltul asta impaienjenit din internet, pentru beneficiul omului care venise aici deja, asculta porcaria aia si citeste textu’ si nu-si poate reconcilia disonanta cognitiva.
daca considerati ca problema merita consemnata, si merita expusa mai larg… inca o data, va invit sa reproduceti verbatim tot dialogu’. cu bune, cu rele, cu failuri, cu winuri, cu argumentele salariatilor FGM si localrect cu tot. followerii blogului dumneavoastra merita sa auda ambele parti si sa-si faca o parere proprie. si despre noi “cocalarii”, si despre ei “rafinatii”. pentru ca e cazu’ de un pic de dihotomie in lume.
va multumim. si apreciem referinta kraftwerk din nume.