Open-minded opening set

"Am fost inspirata de la cativa prieteni producatori si de vizitele recente facute in alte tari si orase, asa ca am mixat o combinaţie de break, Asian, dub, bleep, ceva cu un gust clasic şi techno hipnotic. Cea mai mare inspiratie a venit in timpul unei excursii pe care am facut-o in Japonia anul trecut: de la un DJ rezident in Tokyo, care produce sub numele C_Olvrin. Inainte sa inceapa setul meu, el a pus mult ambient, muzica experimentala si trackuri de sound design. Am fost foarte recunoscatoare ca am putut sa incep dupa setul lui de warm-up. Oamenii au fost foarte deschisi pentru orice fel de sound! Parerea mea e ca oamenii trebuie sa aiba sansa sa asculte diferite tipuri de muzica electronica care sa inspire, sa educe si sa incurajeze mai mult o atitudine open-mind in cluburi. Cu acest mix am vrut sa arat o selectie cu care poate fi inceputa o noapte. De asemenea am acordat multa atentie creand loopuri din partile favorite ale unor piese." (read the full interview of Cio D'Or here)

Cio D'Or - Autumnwinds - RA podcast exclusive
Murcof - Rostro - The Leaf Label
Xhin - Seed - Stroboscopic Artefacts
Milton Bradley - Somewhere Beyond My Illusion - Prologue
Heartthrob - Valentine - M-nus
Monolake - Zero Gravity - Monolake
C-Olvrin - Walk at Night in the Misty Woods - Unreleased
Monolake - Infinitive Snow - Imbalance
Margaret Dygas - 37 min to 7 - Non Standard Productions
Milton Bradley - Uncontrallable Desire - Do Not Resist The Beat!
Monolake - Observatory - Imbalance
Terence Fixmer - Electric City (Function Rmx) - Electric Deluxe
Perc - BGG (Milton Bradley / Bejond The Silence Mix) - Perc Trax
Xhin - Key - Stroboscopic Artefacts
Murcof - Memoria - The Leaf Label
Milton Bradley - Sector X - Unreleased
Cio D'Or - Organza (Milton Bradley Rmx) - Prologue
Monolake - Ionized - Monolake
Milton Bradley - Last Flight To Cologne - Do Not Resist The Beat!
Donor - Remainder - Stroboscopic Artefacts
Marcel Dettmann - Silex - Ostgut Ton
Sleeparchive - Infared Glow - Sleeparchive
Xhin - B-Link - Stroboscopic Artefacts
Obtane - Twilight Observer - Unreleased
Perc - BGG (Milton Bradley Critical Level Mix) - Perc Trax
Cio D'Or - Goldbrokat (Donato Dozzy Techno Rmx) - Prologue
Cio D'Or - Goldbrokat - Prologue
Cio D'Or - Goldbrokat (Donato Dozzy Ambient Rmx) - Prologue


De ce e nevoie de Tiesto, Guetta, Deadmau5 & CO. Raspunde dazedeten, parodiaza veteranul Orlando Voorn (via RA)

Orlando Voorn Featuring Paco Di Bango-Work that Deadmouse by Orlando Voorn
"My understanding is that Deadmau5 fans are for the most part people who are inexperienced with electronic music, or adolescents getting their toes wet in electronic music. I have a few relatives who like his music, and the truth is I kinda like the fact that they like anything dance/electronic. I pat them on the back for that. Thats the principle, as long as they like something that is dance or electronic, i'm good with it...for starters.

Can we face it? We need our Tiesto's, David Guetta's, Cheesemau5's, to develop the future Larry Heard, Theo Parrish, Carl Craig, Flying Lotus, Burial, fans that they might evolve into. There is an evolution process with music, we all listened to the radio as kids growing up, listening to pop acts. Madonna, Mc Hammer, Vanilla Ice, whatever...limited in choice outside of what our parents might have played for us (i was lucky my parents played some nice shit), whatever was fed to us, we enjoyed it because it was the best thing we could find at the time, and no record stores just down the street. So whose to say today's Deadmau5 fan wont find someone who is a Larry Heard fan and get introduced to the world you might find acceptable when it comes to someones taste in music? I say let them enjoy their current electronic music experience, and know maybe they might evolve like you have.

My understanding is not many here under 30 grew up with any of the techno, house, disco luminaries as their FIRST (keyword) injection of what great music currently is o them. It was some cheesey pop act, or some pop act in general. Deadmau5 is a pop act, let him and the others who make that type of pop friendly electronic bring in the future fans of the music you enjoy. Stop fussing about it so much, and focus on what you like, its not your job to save them. Besides you're not as pretty as Audrey Hepburn...And there is a good chance they'll be shoulder to shoulder with you some day at a club sharing enjoyment of the music you might like. Let them evolve over time... just like YOU did. And with the accessibility via the internet, their taste will evolve faster than anyones. Tiesto And David Guetta fans today...Theo Parrish and Kerri Chandler fans tommorow...keep them coming. "

(Dialectica evolutiei fanilor muzicii electronice ii apartine lui dazedeten)


Uneasy to fit

"PVT have created a record so gargantuan you'll struggle to squeeze its essence alone into your cerebrum" 9/10 - Virgin.com (PVT@WARP, directed by WARP's Alex Smith)


Local Rec Showcase. Preview la premiera romaneasca in exportul de muzica electronica locala

Poate nu suntem constienti sau poate nu prea atenti, sau lipseste organul specializat pentru the big picture, dar ce face acum Local Rec e o premiera romaneasca in exportul oficial pe linie de Stat de muzica electronica. Adica un show-case organizat in patru orase europene, cu 12 artisti, parte a unui program finantat de un institut cultural? In istoria scrisa sau nescrisa a muzicii electronice romanesti nu cred ca s-a mai intamplat asa ceva. C'est a dire, productiile muzicale ale unor artisti romani necunoscuti marelui public ies direct din subteranele dormitoarelor pe cateva scene ale unor cluburi europene. O parte a undergroundul muzical electronic e sponsorizata de o organizatie guvernamentala care o promoveaza in afara, poate pentru prima data in istorie. Sa fie o confirmare oficiala in premiera romaneasca, dupa douazeci de ani de expresie mai mult sau mai putin libera? Un preview (sau rehearsal, cum sa zic?) va face Local Rec si la Fabrica, pe 10 septembrie, cu cate un artist din cei care se vor produce in cele 4 orase din Europa: Minus, Ion, The Model, Bogdan, Cristi Cons. Motivul: o zice de-dans , cu o urma de ingrijorare: daca nu te plac ai tai acasa, degeaba te duci sa te lauzi la straini. Eu zic ca e mai putin test, si seamana cu ultima intalnire din vestiare inainte de iesirea pe teren pentru inceperea meciului. Sa vedem ce iese.


Techno Poetry - DIY youtube minimix pentru 10' de minimeditatie

Din gusturile si preferintele mele muzicale imi e din ce in ce mai clar ca fascinatia pentru zona pesimista a muzicii electronice, aia care functioneaza bine ca soundtrack pentru filme care se zbenguie morbid in zona apocalipsei robotilor, tehnologiei si a esecului civilizatiei, e la fel de mare ca si fascinatia pentru clubbing. Dar fiindca clubbing nu mai pot servi de mult (recomandare de la doctor), ma hranesc cu amintiri si cu spectrul amenintator al ratarii momentului iluzoriu al Singularitatii (depasirea prin tehnologie a conditiei biologice), ala la care sunt unul dintre putinii care mai face referinta. Asta e mai putin important decat faptul ca zilnic trebuie facut un exercitiu de pesimism plin de incredere intr-o salvare viitoare: nu e bine sa te amagesti ca fragila lume construita in jur de cateva party/uri si muzica, doua-trei barulete, un festival, un label si din ce in ce mai multe fixed bike/uri minimaliste e pozitiva. Te atasezi de ea si o vrei multiplicata la nesfarsit, si nu mai vezi surogatele din cauza prototipurilor, iarasi o chestie nerecomandata de doctor.

Asa incat am adunat o minicolectie de 3 cantecele de apocalipsa urbana posttehnologica si afterclubbing pentru ceea ce am numit techno poetry. Primul e de pe un album al lui Timo Maas (Loud, 2002) care a trecut umbrit de un single (To get down) devenit hit. Se numeste We are nothing. Celalalt e al lui Kode9 & The Spaceape - un remix la Ghost Town, piesa din 1981 a unei trupe de ska britanic, The Specials. Amandoua sunt complet lipsite de sectiunea ritmica (firesc, pentru ca dupa orice apocalipsa totul incremeneste), experimentale in sound si textura si au versuri din cu totul alta lume decat put your hands up in the air. Filosofice si cu implicatii sociale, numa bune de criza. Ma abtin cu greu de la analiza. Mai e o piesa din aceeasi familie, care are insa si ritm: Ben Klock @ Berghain cu un remix la Is this insanity (Martyn feat. The Spaceape).

Pentru efect autumnal maxim se asculta asa: se da play la prima piesa. La secunda 44 se da drumul piesei nr. 3, care se lasa sa curga pana la min 4:00 dupa care se porneste cea de-a doua piesa. La sfarsit se citesc versurile celor trei piese. Se reia ciclul de cate ori este nevoie si se mediteaza la fraza" people had to put up with the reality their parents constructed for them" (luata de pe acest link*, care merita studiat cu toata atentia), cu Stirile de la ora 5 pe mute.
*intre timp a fost sters. pacat.

Timo Maas - We are nothing lyrics
I'm a believer.
Well, that's not really true.
I'm more of a make-believer.
But it sort of adds up to the same thing.
Here in the lap of the Gods, neither party holds a universal truth, and our hopes are like litter in the open road for everybody to drive through.
Teetering on the swath, my physical limitations dwarf just by the wonder of living.
Brought on for no real reason other than just the wonder of life.
And now, being what I want to be catches up so fast with me.
I have to make up better and newer possibilities just to keep up with myself.
And now, nothing is a problem.
My mouth is dry from the heat, endless possible futures and the sweet promise of tomorrow is quenching my thirst.
All we need to do now ? is cheat death, for as long as we can.
So that when the day finally comes, we can pull a clean sheet from our pockets and write down all that we have achieved, all that we have seen, to make sure we have left nothing behind.
We are nothing.
We are nothing.
We are nothing.
Other than that then we give away for free and we are nothing but the sum of our parts.

Kode 9 & The Spaceapce - Ghost Town lyrics
This town, is coming like a ghost town
All the clubs have been closed down
This place, is coming like a ghost town
Bands won't play no more
too much fighting on the dance floor

Do you remember the good old days
Before the ghost town?
We danced and sang,
And the music played inna de boomtown

This town, is coming like a ghost town
Why must the youth fight against themselves?
Government leaving the youth on the shelf
This place, is coming like a ghost town
No job to be found in this country
Can't go on no more
The people getting angry

This town, is coming like a ghost town
This town, is coming like a ghost town
This town, is coming like a ghost town
This town, is coming like a ghost town

Martyn feat. the Spaceapce - Is this insanity? (Ben Klock Remix) lyrics
Woken by the spirits of a new life dawning, are we dreaming?
Decode decipher intercept reception, we are learning.
Feeding is function so the heart beats stronger, she is breathing.
Physically drained but we alleviate the hunger, we are creator.
Wrestling with our fears like the Unknown Soldier, we are vanity.
Separate the demon from the devil inside.
Is this insanity?

Nerves bound taught by the frequent recollections, we are reasoning.
Caught between a chance and a realization, stop us deceiving.
Parasitical nature is the human savior, and limitation
Fumbling and fussing as we fake behavior, in the mutation.
Hand in mouth we know the journey was hard, we are soothing.
Sleep is the cure for our next generation, we are hoping.
Beyond our fighting with the earth a kind of solace is found.
Can you hear me?

Between these intimate strangers biologically bound.
Is this the future?
Our expression of love is like an infinite glance.
Will it kill me?
Unlocking the code is our only chance.
Do you believe me?
Can you hear me?