Solar Gold Panda Grizzly Bear In Heaven

Mutatiile anti-consumeriste, incalzirea globala, Nirvana ratata, 9/11, criza globala si sentimentul iminent al unui sfarsit (inca nu stim care), democratizarea instrumentelor de productie, retelele sociale, neo-tribalizarea si pirate bay au adus pe scena muzicala o specie noua de ursi indie, folk, kraut, psihdelici si electronici. Cum zice un comentator entuziast pe youtube:

"This music is not marketable to the masses. Instead, allow your uniquely tuned mind to be blown by this great band. Take this music for what it is and the enjoyment you receive from it. Transcend consumerism and realize you are listening to something truly special."

Asadar de ascultat (un fel de Best indie bears foarte personal, in ordinea aleatorie 2,1,4,3,5):

Solar Bear - She Was Coloured In (2010) - Planet Mu (Dublin)
Gold Panda - Lucky Shinner (2010) - Ghostly (London)
Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest (2009) - deja un supergrup, singurul non-electronic act de la WARP (Brooklyn)
Bear In Heaven - Best Rest Forth Mouth (2009) - Hometapes (Brooklyn)
(Nu l-am uitat pe Panda Bear, proiectul lui Noah Lennox de la Animal Collective, care e prea Animal ca sa il mai mentionez.)

I ♥ bears.

  Same Dream China by Gold Panda

Back Home from Gold Panda on Vimeo.

Snow And Taxis from Gold Panda on Vimeo.

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