Haules Baules 001 (Scurt interviu)

  Haules Baules 001- A1 "Buch" by HaulesBaules

Nu stiu daca Haules Baules (proiectul lui Logan Fisher -  DJ englez, producator, graphic designer si fondatorul Haules Baules Records) e analog sau digital si m-a bucurat ca a evitat elegant raspunsul la intrebarea mea (care devine obsesiva, desi nu e obsesia mea): ce echipament folosesti? Intr-adevar, echipamentul folosit de cineva nu e important, cata vreme piesa finala suna intr-un fel. Iar piesa aleasa aici, de pe EP-ul de debut al lui Haules Baules - cu intro-ul ei de 1 minut, cu evolutia lenta, cu arpegiatoarele si filtrele folosite cu o mana zen aflata in afara timpului - imi aduce aminte de energia tripanta a unei piese clasice de house, energia aia care te ia pe sus si te face una cu toata lumea din club, intr-un anumit moment din noapte. Am vrut sa aflu mai multe despre piesa, si mai ales de unde s-a inspirat. Mai jos sunt raspunsurile lui Logan, direct in engleza.

Logan Fisher aka Haules Baules: "Buch" is one track off the debut EP from Haules Baules. Most tracks I make start with a sample which I take from something non dance music related. "Argo" and "Hit Me Slowly" (celelalte piese de pe album) started like that. "Buch" however I just banged out after coming back from a dj gig that went well (I think it was with 8 bit boy). I was in the mood, wasn't really trying to do anything sincere, just a trippy club tune to break the monotony so to speak. It turned into quite a trip!

The Ep's coming out on vinyl, March 18th I think. It's the easiest way for me to get my music in front of the people I want to hear it. Record shops are still the best, most enjoyable way of discovering and buying music for me, even though living in Bucharest that doesn't happen as often as it used to. Everytime I visit a major city, it's the record shop where you'll find me.

The Ep is getting good support already from scene dj's such as Rodion, Mugwhump and Hardway Bros and I'm actually just posting a teaser for the 2nd EP on soundcloud right now."

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